ハンドパンにはいくつかの種類があり、2000 年にスイスで発明されたオリジナルの楽器から長年かけて開発されました。トリニダード トバゴで演奏されるスチール ドラムもパンの一種です。カリブ海のスチール ドラムはスティックで演奏されますが、ハンドパンは手で演奏する楽器です。
Weight perfect handle
Battery good life
Value of money. Size very ferfect
Distance very long distance
This good for people who camping or the night walking need use this flashlight. This flashlight can use charger for your phone too
Purchased this rig for the military, I’ve been using it the last few years and has held up through all I’ve needed it to. Very durable, has great room for equipment, mags, etc. It keeps the majority of elements out (dirt, debris) but water, not so much. It will hold up to a light rain but in heave downpour and rolling around in mud/water your interior contents will get wet.
I would not make that a considerable negative factor though, as even through intense elements and conditions it still hold up very well. I do not regret this purchase and have told other soldiers about it.
I bought these pants for work, and man, they are comfortable, breathe when you need them to, keep you warm and dry when you need them too, and have plenty pocket configurations. These things are built to last and are very comfortable. Very glad buyer, and will buy again.
Mochila excelente.
Costuras bem reforçadas em todo o corpo
Se for usar com menos carga, tem umas alças para reduzir o volume dela.
Tem muitas divisões internas, permitindo organizar bem os itens.
Fiz um teste forçando a barra e coloquei tudo que estava no campo de visão. Não coube só o notebook, mas até a mochila do notebook foi pra dentro.
Feliz com a aquisição.
My son-in-law loved this coat! He needed something waterproof, warm, but not bulky. It was a Christmas gift and he tried it on just as soon as he opened it. I ordered a large and it fit perfectly. Very well made, flat seams, flat zipper, cuffs fit snug to keep out rain and wind. When he put up the hood and realized it has a bill on it to keep sleet out of the eyes, and then zipped the coat up all the way to cover neck and chin ... well, it was obvious this coat would protect him from any wet windy weather. (also ordered were waterproof gloves) Very nice looking jacket. One of the best purchases I've made for him. He'll get lots of wear out of it. Highly recommend.
I would like to purchase one can I make payments like the one that’s in the video?